
Out of Control

Here’s a fruit of the Spirit lesson I’ve learned: The hardest part about self-control is controlling yourself enough to keep it to your self. Sometimes I speak before I think. I type before thinking about the tone of the message, I pre-judge before I know all the facts, I even assume a position before making a sound decision. I let my emotions have full control and my emoting can quickly lead to demotion, hurtful and sometimes broken relationships.

Living a life of discipline takes focus, intention and a whole lot of self-control. Our thoughts, our mindset, our speech, our attitudes, our social life are all a part of our Christian walk. When we allow God to be the editor in chief we can do better, live better, talk and walk better as ambassadors. How do you discipline yourself to be sure you are living on pitch and bearing good fruit?

How do you practice self-control when things are out of control?

Prayer: Dear Lord take control over my thoughts, my speech and attitude today. Let my outside actions show people You live on the inside. Help me to hold back when I want to lash out. Amen.

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