
Monday Prayer

Lord help me get a grip before I slip. Anchored living starts with prayer. Now that’s what I call Living On Pitch.


Happy Mondays

It’s a new week and I’m excited about it. It’s a short work week for me and that brings me much happiness. I find happiness in the smallest of things sometimes, like a squirrel climbing up a tree, soft music playing by a fire pit, or a walk across a bridge and streams of water flowing beneath it. These are just a few little things that make me happy. Do you have a happy song? Sing it loud and often. Do you have a little happy dance? Get up and move your feet. I encourage you to make a list of some little things that put you in a happy place. For some it’s a Bible in hand and a few minutes of being quiet, for others it’s a cup of coffee to start the day. Whatever it is, I hope you have a happy Monday in all the little things around you today. Now that’s what I call Living On Pitch.


I Don’t Hate Mondays

Let’s be honest. Monday’s are hard but I don’t hate them. Monday’s have never done anything to me. They are hard on holidays when everyone, well not everyone, is actually off work. They are hard when I tell myself I’m getting up early to go the gym and my bed doesn’t want to let me go. I don’t blame Monday’s for that. That’s an issue I’m still working on. Pray saints. I love to sleep in but work duty usually calls after the weekend and it’s no surprise year after year Mondays keep showing up, just like every other day of the week. I view Monday’s as my focus days. I must push myself to focus on what’s ahead for the week at the same time look back on how I made it to another Monday. I love it when my Sunday worship prepares me for my Monday worship and the cycle continues. We have to find our fearless every Monday and make a point to take time to reflect on our attitudes about starting a new work week. For me I make adjustments as many times as necessary to choose love over hate. I must choose to stay positive and productive to keep moving along. I need that and others around our workplace and offices do too, especially on Mondays. Join me today and Thank God for Mondays!


Two Words of Encouragement

I have two encouraging words for you today and they are simply, “Don’t Fret!”



Two Words of Encouragement

Today’s two words are: BEST YET

The best is yet to come, so hold on and don’t give up.




Words of Encouragement

e469da424fd2aee30981b039611161a2Today’s words are SPREAD JOY

Just think, you can spread a little joy to the world everyday not just at Christmas time. That’s a good reason to be joyful.